Here are the steps to follow to maximize your Airbrush Tan.
1. Limit physical activity for 8-12 hours following your tanning session.
2. Do not shower or get wet for at least 8-12 hours after tanning. DHA continues to react with the amino acids of your skin for up to 12 hours.
3. Use a moisturizer on your skin morning and night between spray tans
4. The time of year will affect your skin, and therefore, your tan. Keep moisturized.
5. Long hot baths or long showers are great for pre-tan exfoliation, but can cause a tan to fade prematurely. The skin soaks and softens with length of time exposed and this can speed up the exfoliation process. Only use a soft cloth for washing when you are tanned.
6. Pat dry after showering or bathing. DO NOT RUB.
7. Use a sharp, clean razor with a lubricating product, when shaving. Hair conditioner works well. (Avoid hair removal products ... Nair, Neet, wax, etc.)
8. Avoid harsh soaps such as deodorant bar soap.
9. Anti-acne products (including Retin-A type products) and makeup removal products may cause tan to fade.
10. Avoid exfoliating scrubs, facial masks, and toners containing alcohol.
11. Swimming in a chlorinated pool or hot tub can cause tan to fade prematurely. The application of thick waterproof sun block, prior to swimming, may help reduce fading.